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Last in chain EQ "sweetener" pedals - Printable Version

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Last in chain EQ "sweetener" pedals - jtkung - 04-26-2016

I never see these used by pros -- probably because they already have great preamps/amps and/or mic preamps and consoles to get that sound. Anyways, here are a few that do seem to get a great sweet sound:
  • BJFE Sea Blue EQ
  • Echoplex pre-amp pedals such as
          - Badgerplex Trilogy
          - Clinch-FX EP-Pre and EP+
          - Xotic EP Booster
          - Dunlop Echoplex

All of these utilize a JFET transistor as the gain element. This adds a bit or warmth and distortion when overdriven, like in the original EP-3 preamp in the echoplex.