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Mythological Guitar Marketing Bullshit vs Reality (Physics)
People can convince themselves that they really hear something when none exists. See these articles on violinists and their evaluations of old violins vs contemporary modern instruments:
  • Soloist evaluations of six Old Italian and six new violins
    Claudia Fritza,1, Joseph Curtinb, Jacques Poitevineaua, Hugues Borsarelloc, Indiana Wollmana, Fan-Chia Taod,and Thierry Ghasarossiane
  • pnas.1323367111.pdf
  • Expert violinists can’t tell old from new
    Daniel J. Levitin1Department of Psychology, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 1B1; and College ofArts and Humanities, Minerva Schools at Keck Graduate Institute, San Francisco, CA 94103
  • pnas.1405851111.pdf

In the last article, this comment is telling:

In short, simply knowing that an instrument has a certain pedigree or history could activate expectations for its sound that cause neural circuits even lower level sensory-perceptual ones—to behave differently than they would without that knowledge. We may really believe that they sound better, even if there is no acoustic difference in the distal world.

I think the same is happening with guitars, especially old guitars like 50s Strats and Les Pauls. And of course, the use of "tonewoods" in electrics.

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RE: Mythological Guitar Marketing Bullshit vs Reality (Physics) - by jtkung - 12-24-2022, 06:34 AM

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