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EART Guitars
I had never heard of EART Guitars, but it seems they are making all sorts of interesting guitars -- including headless guitar, including 7 strings!  These are copies of Strandberg, but at a fraction of the price (like 1/10). The huge selling point is the neck. It has rounded stainless steel frets! I have tried one, and it is incredible for $300 USD. They must make the frets before installation, which makes sense. It should not be too hard to make SS frets by themselves and round them. This can easily be automated.  If you make a set that fits the same size neck every time, it should be very doable at low cost.

In any case, these guitars are tremendous value. They are all over YouTube with great reviews, and with good availability at Amazon. Incredible value.

And they also make strat and tele style guitars ....  stainless steels frets -- for less than $300 USD. Incredible!

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