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Boss Eurus GS-1
I don't get these guitars and who they are marketed towards. They look so conventional, yet the same people who like conventional are not going to want to have a synth built-in.  And today, there's so much flexibility in plugins that you can take a normal guitar, take the regular output into a great, inexpensive interface, connect to a cheap laptop, run a DAW that runs a plugin that does audio --> MIDI and play any synth or sound library in your DAW and be lightyears ahead of anything you can physically stuff into a guitar.  Oh -- and if configured right, this can be rock solid and reliable. Thousands of electronic artists run laptops and plugins live.  It can be done. But I bet this would be used for studio work anyways. 

Oh -- and it's $2200 USD !

[Image: eurus_gs-1_content_photo_03.jpg]

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