I think the Skervesen Tamandua 7 Tele style represents the best modern tele I have seen so far. Here are some details:
Tamandua 7, tele based model. 25,5" scale, Swamp ash body with rosewood pickguard and special chamber. 7-piece neck rosewood/wenge/maple with rosewood fretboard. Bare Knuckle Black Hawk calibrated set. World Domination Mod controls, ebony handmade truss rod cover, string damper, Hipshot bridge and locking tuners, Jescar stainless frets levelled with 0,04mm accuracy, copper shielded cavity, Luminlay side dots, Dunlop straplocks, Hiscox case. Sale price- 1899EUR+shipping
Tamandua 7, tele based model. 25,5" scale, Swamp ash body with rosewood pickguard and special chamber. 7-piece neck rosewood/wenge/maple with rosewood fretboard. Bare Knuckle Black Hawk calibrated set. World Domination Mod controls, ebony handmade truss rod cover, string damper, Hipshot bridge and locking tuners, Jescar stainless frets levelled with 0,04mm accuracy, copper shielded cavity, Luminlay side dots, Dunlop straplocks, Hiscox case. Sale price- 1899EUR+shipping
![[Image: 13741352_1116281275113743_2108703444_n.j...%3D%3D.2.l]](https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/e15/13741352_1116281275113743_2108703444_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTMxMjkyODE3NTU2MjUwOTg1Mw%3D%3D.2.l)