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MorningFX MC6 MK II MIDI Controller
These guys make a great, compact MIDI controller, the MC6 MK II. There's no other MIDI pedal out there that can be configured as much as this thing:

[Image: 2f83f8_bab43db354c34a55a1b4c70bd30e1847~mv2.webp]

30 banks with 12 presets each, and each preset capable of sending up to 16 different MIDI messages and functions.  And the footswitches can be programmed to send out different messages depending on press, release, tap, double-tap, etc.  as well as remembering two distinct states (used for toggle ON/OFF).  Has two expression inputs, one of which can be used to either extend to 3 more footswitches, or to use as a dedicated bank up/down/toggle page control.

The maker is also very quick to fix bugs and update the firmware. He's based in Singapore and you can order direct from him, but there are dealers out there also.

I use the MC6 Mk II to control a laptop rig running VSTs in a DAW.  It is amazing what you can do: select/mute tracks that have different guitar sims running, control a Wah, select presets, turn on/off effects within the presets, control a looper, etc. 

Incredibly versatile.

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