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Guitar Cork Sniffers
The Gear Page (TGP) is the hunting ground for guitar cork sniffers. It's anecdotal of course, but stories abound of many rich doctors, lawyers, businessman, high-tech people etc. buying expensive guitars and gear and touting how great they are in terms of playability, sound, etc.  But attached to that is also the myth that many simply collect these guitars more as art pieces and less as actual instruments because many simply cannot play that well. It's for bragging rights and to show off their wealth.  Sort of like the rich, insecure car collector who can barely drive but has to show off his Ferraris because his penis is so small. :-)  In this regard, I have yet to hear or see that myth unproven as I have not heard a good player (or even good tone) out of these cork sniffers who literally own tens (and even hundreds) of thousands of dollars worth of gear.

Read this post to get an idea of some ultimate Cork Sniffers on D'Pergo Guitars.

I happened to read a recent TGP post on the TCM Carolina guitar that may people were touting, and someone posted a recording:

OK, so the playing is very beginner, that's for sure. But the tone? This sounded so mediocre and pathetic that any guitar into any amp sounds better in my opinion, yet the signal chain had very expensive elements:

Carolina Custom -> LE Cobra 183 -> Suhr RLIR (V30 4x12 cab) -> Apollo

Guitar: Carolina Custom: $6000 or higher
Amp: LE Cobra 183: $4500
Reactive Load: Suhr RLIR: $600
Audio Interface: Apollo (assuming Twin): $1000

This chain is worth >$10K. And this is the sound you get?  It's terrible. You can make a Fender Mini-Squier into a Peavey Backstage amp sound better than this! 

I have no issue with someone with lots of money (and less talent!) spending huge amounts of money on gear. That is their business. But when they start sounding like experts on playability and tone, that's where it's bullshit. Just because you own a lot of gear doesn't mean you know much about it. It goes to the credibility of these users who claim their guitars are "the best" and sound "the best" and play "the best."  Yet how do you make that claim when you clearly aren't an expert in the field and can barely play? Just admit that you are a rich collector who loves guitars, but really can't play.  So spare us your commentary on how good the guitar really is to people who can actually play and hear. 

What does it tell you? That the PLAYER is still the most important part of the sound and song. All the rest is just bling and fluff for a cork sniffer and would-be guitar player. Though in the right hands, the gear can certainly enhance the tone and make a huge difference (see Eric Johnson, David Gilmour, etc.)

That TCM Carolina guitar player BTW is a solutions architect in the high-tech software business.

I guess the good thing is that these people are necessary because they have lots of $$ and they keep boutique guitar and amp builders alive for the rest of us!

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